February 09,2023

Press Contact:

Ryan Carey

Finance Committee to Hold Hearing on Werfel Nomination to Lead IRS

WASHINGTON, D.C.Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, D-Ore., will convene a hearing on Wednesday, February 15th, 2023, on President Biden's nomination of Danny Werfel to serve as commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service. The hearing will take place at 10:30 a.m. in Room 215 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building

"Mr. Werfel's nomination comes at a critical time," Wyden said. "A decade of Republican budget cuts made it far too easy for wealthy tax cheats and big corporations to skip out on paying the taxes they owe and get away with it scot free. Democrats began to turn that round with new enforcement resources in the Inflation Reduction Act, and we've made clear that those resources need to be focused on the highly complex cheating that goes on at the top. If wealthy tax cheats and corporations pay a fair share, or even pay what they legally owe, that will go a long way toward addressing important challenges like bringing down the cost of housing, investing in education, and shoring up Medicare and Social Security for generations to come.”

The witness at Wednesday’s hearing will be the Honorable Daniel I. Werfel.

Who:     Senate Finance Committee

What:   Hearing on the nomination of Danny Werfel to Serve as IRS Commissioner

Where: 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building

              Washington, D.C. 20510

When: Wednesday, February 15, 2023

             10:30 a.m.

Media are encouraged to attend the hearing or to view the webcast and witness testimony at http://finance.senate.gov/hearings.
