January 24,2003

Finance Committee to Examine Border Security

Finance Committee to Examine Border Security

Event: Hearing, “U.S. Borders: Safe or Sieve?”
Date/time: Thursday, Jan. 30, 2003, at 10 a.m.
Location: 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.

Description: More than a year after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and as the Department of
Homeland Security becomes operational, it is important to evaluate whether the responsible agencies are doing their best to secure the nation’s borders. Of particular interest to the Finance Committee is the illegal transport of money, counterfeit money and other items in commerce that can be used to facilitate or fund terrorism.

The Finance Committee, under the leadership of Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman, will hold a hearing to examine how secure U.S. borders are and to evaluate the performance of the responsible agencies, including the Interior Department, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the Customs Service. The comittee will hear testimony from the Interior Department’s Inspector General, a federal agent with the National Park Service, and General Accounting Office officials.

A witness list will be available later.
