November 03,2021

Press Contact:

Keith Chu (202) 224-4515

Finance Committee Reports Chris Magnus Nomination for Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection to Senate Floor

Committee votes on bipartisan basis to advance Magnus nomination

Washington, D.C. – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., urged swift confirmation of Chris Magnus as commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, following a 15-13 vote to advance the nomination to the Senate floor.

“It’s clear to me that Chief Magnus is going to handle this job with hard work and a sense of decency. He shares the view that enforcing our immigration laws and treating people humanely are not mutually exclusive. He’s told the committee that he wants to work on big customs and immigration challenges in a way that brings the two sides together. He is pragmatic. He is committed to transparency, and he’s stepping up to take this job because, as he told this committee last month, he wants to make a difference,” Wyden said.

“In my view, Chief Magnus is the right choice to lead CBP, and he deserves strong support from both sides of the Senate.”

Every Finance Committee Democrat voted to advance Magnus’ nomination, as did Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La.
