December 11,2021

Press Contact:

Ashley Schapitl

Finance Committee Releases Updated Build Back Better Text

Washington, D.C. –Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today released updated text of the Finance Committee’s title of the Build Back Better Act. The updated text includes both technical and policy changes, as well as modifications to ensure compliance with Senate budget rules. 

“The Finance Committee has made targeted improvements to the Build Back Better Act, and is ready to move forward in this process,” said Wyden. “Our package is historic. It would create good-paying jobs, lower the cost of raising a family, combat the climate crisis and reduce energy bills, build more affordable housing, and cut health care costs for families and seniors. The package is fully paid for by ensuring profitable mega-corporations and wealthiest Americans pay their fair share. While conversations are continuing, the committee is prepared for bipartisan meetings with the Senate parliamentarian next week.”
