June 11,2001

Finance Committee Hearing Will Address Land Conservation Tax Initiatives

Hearing: “Preserving and Protecting Our Natural Resources”
Date/time: Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 10 a.m.
Location: 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Description: The Committee on Finance, led by Sen. Max Baucus, chairman, and Sen. Chuck
Grassley, ranking member, will convene a hearing to hear testimony from
organizations and land owners with a significant stake in land that can be sold or
contributed for conservation purposes. The hearing is meant to lay the ground work
for future expansions of tax incentives to promote land conservation. The Joint
Committee on Taxation will release a document describing current tax law treatment
of land conservation as well as a number of proposals to encourage land

Witness List
A Panel Consisting of:

< W. Elton Kennedy, Delta Land & Farm Management, Co., LLC, Mer Rouge, La.

< Mark Ackelson, President, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, Des Moines, Iowa

< William W. McDonald, Malpai Borderlands Group, Douglas, Ariz.

< Stephen W. Schley, President, Pingree Associates, Inc., Bangor, Maine

< Chase T. Hibbard, Sieband Livestock Co., Helena, Mont.