May 01,2001

Finance Committee Approves Seven Bush Nominees

WASHINGTON – The Committee on Finance, under the leadership of Chairman ChuckGrassley, today unanimously reported seven nominees out of the Committee and to the full Senatefor consideration.

The nominees from President Bush have been the subject of Committee hearings in recentmonths. Approved by the Committee today were:

In the Department of Treasury:
< Kenneth W. Dam to be Deputy Secretary of the Treasury

< John B. Taylor to be Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs

< David D. Aufhauser to be General Counsel of the Department of Treasury

< Michele A. Davis to be Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs

In the Department of Commerce:
< Grant D. Aldonas to be Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade

< Faryar Shirzad to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration

In the Department of Health and Human Services:
< Scott Whitaker to be Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for LegislationGrassley said he looks forward to scheduling future nomination hearings as President Bushmakes additional nominations.