June 19,2014

Press Contact:

Ken Willis (202) 224-4515

Finance Committee Approves Nominees for Social Security Advisory Board

WASHINGTON – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today led the committee to report three nominees to be members of the Social Security Advisory Board: Drs. Henry Aaron, Lanhee Chen and Alan Cohen. Dr. Aaron was approved by a 13-11 vote and Drs. Chen and Cohen were approved unanimously.

“Policymakers need to hear from the finest minds on Social Security policy in order to make informed decisions about the program’s future. When it comes to supporting seniors and families, anything less is unacceptable,” Wyden said. “These three nominees have excellent credentials and will bring an impressive and diverse set of perspectives to the board. I hope to see them approved by the Senate as quickly as possible.”

The committee previously held a hearing to consider the nominees on May 8. 
