March 06,2008

Finance Committee Approves Nomination Of Douglas Shulman For IRS Commissioner

Chairman Baucus still wants improvements to agency performance, IRS experience for Americans

Washington, DC – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and fellow
Finance Committee members today unanimously approved the nomination of Douglas H.
Shulman for Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The nomination now moves to the full Senate for approval. During his appearance before the Finance panel on Jan. 29, Baucus and other panel members questioned Shulman about the challenges he would face as incoming Commissioner of the IRS, including the agency’s ability to implement the recentlypassed economic stimulus package, the need to capture the billions of dollars in legally owed but unpaid taxes known as the tax gap, and the issue of outdated IRS customer service technologies.

“If the Senate votes to confirm Mr. Shulman, he will have to hit the ground running. Mr.
Shulman has a big job ahead of him, beginning with the very important task of making sure that economic stimulus checks get to millions of Americans in a timely manner,”

Baucus said. “We will support his efforts and the needs of the agency, but it will ultimately fall to him and to the IRS as a whole to improve service and the overall IRS experience for
American taxpayers.”

Shulman is Vice Chairman of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.

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