July 19,2018

Press Contact:

Katie Niederee and Julia Lawless, 202-224-4515

Finance Committee Advances IRS Commissioner Nomination

Charles Rettig Clears Finance Committee

WASHINGTON – The nomination of Charles Rettig to be the new Internal Revenue Service (IRS) commissioner today advanced out of the Senate Finance Committee by a vote of 14-13. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) released the following statement:

“For the IRS to implement the biggest tax overhaul in a generation, it is essential that the agency is fully staffed and  led by a strong, capable commissioner. The job of commissioner is further complicated by years of mistrust and scandals at the agency. Chuck Rettig is the right pick to both implement tax reform and restore trust in the IRS. I am pleased that the committee advanced his nomination, and I look forward to the Senate acting quickly on his nomination so he can get started on the hefty tasks he will be charged with as the agency’s leader.”

An executive summary, including a breakdown of the vote, will be posted here.

Background: Earlier today, Hatch and Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) introduced an IRS reform bill to bring the agency into the 21st century. The legislation, based on two 114th Congress bills (S. 3156 and S. 3157) that passed the Finance Committee unanimously in 2016, aims to assist the agency by: increasing taxpayer protections and electronic filing; enhancing whistleblower protections; reforming policies concerning IRS employees; increasing scrutiny of IRS audit criteria; and supporting prevention of identity theft and tax refund fraud. 
