January 17,2018

Press Contact:

202-224-4515, Julia Lawless and Katie Niederee

Finance Committee Advances Healthcare, Trade Nominees

WASHINGTON – The Senate Finance Committee today advanced the nomination of Alex Azar to serve as the Department of Health And Human Services (HHS) Secretary by a vote of 15 to 12.

“Mr. Azar is well-credentialed to lead such a critical department at a time America’s healthcare system is facing difficult challenges,” Hatch said. “He continues to demonstrate that he has what it takes to help alleviate problems caused by Obamacare all while bolstering and improving Medicare and Medicaid. I look forward to his swift passage by the full U.S. Senate.”  

The committee also reported out Kevin McAleenan’s nomination to serve as the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and he received unanimous support.

An executive summary, including a breakdown of the vote, will be posted here.
