February 18,2020

Ernst Endorses Grassley-Wyden Bipartisan Prescription Drug Bill

Washington – Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) today endorsed Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley’s (R-Iowa) bipartisan Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act, further growing the ranks of Senate Republican support. Other Senate Republicans are expected to announce their support for the bill in the coming days. Last week, Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) endorsed Grassley’s bill.
“Senator Ernst pledged to lower drug prices, and her support for this bipartisan bill shows that when she makes a promise, she keeps it,” Grassley said. “Iowans know they can trust Senator Ernst to work hard, follow through and do what it takes to get the job done. I’ve worked with Senator Ernst for more than a year now to lower drug prices and hold bad actors accountable. Her support will be critical in turning this legislation into law.”
“At nearly every town hall or other stop I make on my 99 County Tour, and even in discussions around the kitchen table with my family members who depend on life-saving medications, Iowans from every corner of the state have made it clear that they want to see Congress address the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs. This issue is a top priority for me and it’s why I’ve been working across the aisle on a number of proposals. While we’ve made some progress, there’s more work to do,” Ernst said. “We need to take a hard look at all the proposals on the table and come together to find solutions. I’m working toward that end, and I hope many more will join me. I applaud my colleague and friend Senator Grassley for his work and steadfast commitment to providing relief to the countless Americans who are struggling to afford their medications.”
Previously, Grassley and Ernst worked together to pass the CREATES Act, which deters pharmaceutical companies from blocking cheaper generic alternatives from entering the marketplace and was signed into law last year.

In his State of the Union address, President Donald Trump called on Congress to pass bipartisan prescription drug pricing legislation and recognized Grassley’s leadership on the issue. Grassley’s and Ranking Member Ron Wyden’s (D-Ore.) legislation is the only significant, bipartisan bill in Congress to lower drug costs. Vice President Mike Pence has also endorsed the Grassley-Wyden bill.