October 14,1999

Disability Bill One Step Closer to Enactment

WASHINGTON -- Senate Finance Committee Chairman William V. Roth, Jr. (R-DE) today released the following statement upon the House Ways and Means Committee mark up of its disability bill that was favorably reported out with a vote of 33 to 1.

"On June 16, 1999, by a vote of 99 to 0, the Senate approved S. 331, the Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999," Roth stated. " This legislation helps people with disabilities go to work without the fear of losing their health insurance. S. 331 has been one of my top priorities this year.

"The House Ways and Means Committee's passage of its disability bill, although it does not include all the provisions in our bill, moves us one step closer to helping millions of Americans.

"I look forward to a swift and productive conference process once the full House of Representatives acts on the bill, which could occur as early as next week. We can not wait any longer to help Americans with disabilities move toward independence."