Catholic Health Association Responds to Grassley on Charitable Care
To: Reporters and Editors
Re: Catholic Health Association response to Chairman Grassley
Da: Thursday, April 27, 2006
On March 8, 2006, Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Committee on Finance, wrote to
the Catholic Health Association and the American Hospital Association to gather information about
hospitals’ charitable care. Grassley is reviewing hospitals’ charitable care and charges to the
uninsured as part of his comprehensive review of non-profit organizations and their tax-exempt
status . He made the following comment on the Catholic Health Association’s response to his March
8 letter.
"The Catholic Health Association’s response is thoughtful and informative. The letter gives
the Finance Committee a lot to consider as we continue to look at what should be best practices of
charitable care and community benefit provided by tax-exempt hospitals. These hospitals receive
significant tax benefits. I’m especially interested in the detailed examples given by the association
of the practices of several different charitable hospitals that offer significant charity care and discount
policies for the uninsured. As we look at helping the uninsured struggling to pay health care costs,
the letter gives useful guidance and illumination. I sent a related letter to the American Hospital
Association on March 8, and look forward to getting its response in the next few days."
The Catholic Health Association’s response is attached. Grassley’s March 8 letters are
available at under "press releases."
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