May 29,2008

Baucus Welcomes South Korean Announcement Allowing U.S. Beef Imports


To: Reporters and Editors
From: Dan Virkstis for Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.)
Re: Baucus Welcomes South Korean Announcement Allowing U.S. Beef Imports

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) today welcomed the announcement
by South Korean Agriculture Minister Chung Woon-chun that Korea would resume imports of U.S.
beef. The United States and South Korea finalized a new import protocol on April 18 that would
allow U.S. farmers and ranchers to export all cuts of beef, from cattle of all ages, to Korea. Under the protocol, beef imports were supposed to resume May 15, but were delayed due to protests in Korea. Imports are expected to resume next week, as soon as today’s announcement is published in the Korean Government Gazette.

“I welcome Korea’s announcement that it will resume imports of safe, high-quality U.S. beef. I hope today’s announcement means that Korea is prepared to fully implement the April 18 agreement,” said Baucus. “We will be watching closely over the next several weeks to ensure that U.S. beef shipments are flowing, without interruption, into Korea.”
