March 02,2009

Press Contact:

Dan Virkstis, (202) 224-4515

Baucus Statement on the Nomination of Ron Kirk to be United States Trade Representative

Washington, DC - Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.) issued a statement today expressing his support for the nomination of Mayor Ronald Kirk to be United States Trade Representative (USTR). Baucus's statement followed the release of a Finance Committee report regarding issues discovered during the panel's vetting of the nominee.

“Mayor Kirk is the right person for this job and I will work to move his nomination quickly. I am confident he can successfully restore the confidence of Congress and the American people in a balanced international trade agenda,"
Baucus said. "I look forward to his testimony before the Finance Committee next week."

The Finance Committee report released today revealed some discrepancies about the appropriate place on the IRS Form 1040 for certain items of income and deductions to be reported. Mayor Kirk has agreed to file an amended tax return this week. The Finance Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on Mayor Kirk's nomination to be USTR on Monday, March 9, 2009, at 5 p.m. in SD?215. The hearing was originally planned for Thursday, March 5,but was rescheduled due to the White House Health Care Summit.

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