December 05,2007

Baucus Says Medicare Efforts Will Move To Direct Discussions With House

As year draws to close, Finance Chairman will work to negotiate final legislation

Washington, DC – Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) said today that he
will speed up efforts to craft Medicare legislation this year by moving directly to
negotiations with the House of Representatives, which passed Medicare legislation earlier
this year. Baucus and Finance Ranking Republican Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) have
already reached agreement on many provisions for a Medicare bill, although some remain
outstanding. A previous request that Baucus hold a formal markup in the Finance
Committee was withdrawn today.

“Finance Committee negotiations on a Medicare bill have been very productive, and
there’s now a good basis for negotiation with the House. It’s important to move as
quickly as possible toward a final Medicare bill before the end of this year.
Americans deserve the good reforms that I was prepared to bring before the
Finance Committee. I will, of course, continue to solicit and incorporate the views
of all members of the Finance Committee as I work to craft a strong Medicare
reform bill.”

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