Press Contact:
Matthew Beck, Rangel, (202) 225-8933
Carol Guthrie, Baucus, (202) 224-4515
Baucus, Rangel Detail Proposals To Create Jobs, Cut Taxes In Final American Recovery And Reinvestment Act
Washington, D.C. – House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) and Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) unveiled details of their Committees’provisions in the final American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The Committee Chairmen have been working together and with colleagues in the House and Senate to finalize a bill that will create millions of jobs for American workers, cut taxes for families and businesses,and revive the nation’s struggling economy, with the goal of moving the bill swiftly to President Barack Obama for signature into law.
“Every day this week, there’s been new and worrisome news about job losses and the stateof our economy. Congress needs to come together around some coherent policies to createjobs, cut taxes for families and businesses, and bring America’s economy back to life,” Baucus said . “The policies in this final legislation are solid compromises that should work to stop the country’s economic slide and put the nation on surer footing. Now, the Senate and House need to approve a final bill quickly and get it to the President. Americans are waiting on the jobs, financial relief, and fiscal recovery in this bill.”
“This recovery package will help ease the pain felt by American families and businesses to create and save millions of jobs and get our economy back on track,” Rangel said. “Now is not the time for political ideology to dictate what Congress should do, rather it is the time for us to unite as Americans and do what is right to get our nation out of this economic crisis. The American economy is in intensive care and every day we delay this cure, everyday we postpone this injection of tax relief, health benefits and investments in renewable energy and critical infrastructure projects, is one more day that families and businesses will struggle before we can recover.”
The full summary of Finance and Ways & Means provisions in the final American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is attached to this release.
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