June 13,2008

Baucus, Grassley Announce Opportunities for Public To View June 16 Summit On Health Care Reform

Audience space in Dirksen Senate Office Building will supplement live webcasts, congressional cable coverage of day-long event with Bernanke, Venter, Senate co-chairs

Washington, DC – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus and Ranking Member
Chuck Grassley today announced a number of opportunities for public viewing of “Prepare for
Launch: Health Reform Summit 2008” – a bipartisan summit to discuss options for health care
reform in 2009. Keynote speakers are Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and genomic
research pioneer Dr. J. Craig Venter. Senate co-chairs and panels of health policy experts will
conduct sessions throughout the day.

Due to limited space, the Summit at the Library of Congress is open only to Senators, U.S.
Representatives, invited guests, and press with credentials for the event. However, live television
coverage, webcasting, and public audience space in the Dirksen Senate Office Building allow
members of the public to see and participate in the summit as follows:

Public Audience Space in the Dirksen Senate Office Building:

The Finance Committee hearing room (Dirksen 215) will be open on a first-come, first-served
basis for public seating to view the daylong summit on the Senate cable system. The hearing
room will open at 9:00 a.m. for seating. A single concurrent session will be shown in each of the
concurrent session hours.

Live Webcasts:

The entire summit, including all concurrent sessions, will be webcast live by the Senate Finance
Committee. To view all webcasts, visit the Finance Committee website.

Senate/House Cable System:

The entire Summit, including all concurrent sessions, will be shown on congressional cable
channels 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46 throughout the day for viewing by Senators, Representatives, and staff. Channel 43 will be the primary channel for coverage of plenary sessions. For full information regarding “Prepare for Launch: Health Reform Summit 2008,” visit the Finance Committee website at http://finance.senate.gov/healthsummit2008/index.html

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