June 17,2008

Baucus Condemns Block to Unemployment Help

Finance Chairman says hurting families need action from Congress, not politics

Washington, DC – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) commented briefly today after the Senate minority objected to consideration of a bill that would provide
additional unemployment insurance benefits to millions of Americans out of work. As the
number of Americans losing their jobs has skyrocketed this year, Baucus has been working to
provide 13 weeks or more of additional unemployment insurance to those hit hardest by the
slumping economy.

“It’s unfortunate that the Senate was stopped from even considering a bill to give a little
more help to hurting folks all across this country,”
Baucus said. “Unemployment numbers
are at unacceptable levels, and this unemployment insurance bill is a common-sense response to the real problems that working families are facing in these tough economic times. I’ve been fighting for additional unemployment benefits for Americans in need since the beginning of this year, and I’ll work to pass this vital legislation at the next opportunity.”

The Finance panel first included an extension of unemployment insurance benefits in its economic stimulus bill.

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