Baucus Comments on Health Insurance Coverage for Children up to Age 26
To:Reporters and Editors
From:Erin Shields and Scott Mulhauser for Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.)
Re:Health insurance coverage for children up to age 26
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) commented today following the announcement that United Healthcare and other insurance companies will begin allowing college students who graduate this year to remain on their parents’ health care plans now, before the health care reform law requires. Baucus played a pivotal role in Congress’s work to pass the health care reform law, which will require all insurance plans to cover dependent children up to age 26 within six months of the next plan year. Baucus called the insurance companies’ decisions to maintain coverage for graduating college students the right one, and called on all companies to follow suit.
“We fought hard to ensure all children can remain on their parent’s health insurance plans until age 26 in the new health care reform law because it’s the right thing to do,” Baucus said. “Some insurance companies have set the right example by stepping up and continuing coverage for graduating college students before the law requires it, and I urge and expect other companies to follow suit.”
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