December 17,2011

Press Contact:

Communications Office

Baucus Comment on Tax Extenders



To: Reporters and Editors
From: The Communications Office of Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.)
Re: Baucus Comment on Tax Extenders

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) vowed today to continue working in January to extend tax cuts for families, individuals and small businesses.  Baucus has been working with his colleagues and fighting to find a bipartisan path forward for these tax extenders, including the research and development (R&D) tax credit, teacher’s expense deduction and job-creating clean energy tax incentives.  It is critical to extend these tax provisions early in the year to maximize their effect and provide certainty for the 2012 tax year.  From Chairman Baucus:

“We came together today to pass a package that provides much-needed relief for middle-class families and a boost for our economy by extending the payroll tax holiday and continuing assistance for the unemployed while ensuring that our seniors have access to their doctors.  We’ve been fighting to get these done and we’re going to keep fighting to extend other expiring tax cuts for families and small businesses to put more money back in their pockets and provide certainty for our economy when Congress reconvenes.  As we work together on comprehensive tax reform for the long-term, reaching a permanent agreement on expiring tax cuts right away must be our top priority.”
