April 07,2008

Baucus Blasts President’s Plan to Force Vote on U.S.-Colombia Trade Agreement

Senator Reiterates Need to Prioritize Trade Adjustment Assistance

Washington, DC – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D –Mont.)
strongly condemned today's decision by the President to submit to Congress the implementing legislation for the U.S. – Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement. Baucus
has repeatedly made it clear that a reformed and expanded Trade Adjustment Assistance
program for America’s workers should be the first trade priority for Congress and for the

“The President is making a big mistake,” Baucus said. “Forcing Congress to vote on
the Colombia trade agreement without a chance to weigh in on the legislation is an
abuse of the fast-track process for trade agreements, and may well turn supporters
and potential supporters of the Colombia agreement into opponents of the deal.
Forcing this vote now is a disservice to American workers and to our trading partner, Colombia, as well. Colombia is an important ally in a troubled region. I urge the President not to add fuel to the fire surrounding this agreement, but to reconsider this unwise decision.”

The President's submission of the implementing legislation for the U.S. – Colombia
Trade Promotion Agreement triggers the 90-day "fast-track" clock for Senate consideration of this Agreement.

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