March 14,2008

Baucus Applauds Senate’s Opposition to Undermining Medicaid, Shifting Additional Costs to States

Sense of Senate Underscores Importance of Medicaid

Washington, DC – During consideration of the Budget Resolution last night, the Senate
agreed to include a Sense of the Senate amendment offered by Senator Max Baucus (DMT), Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, that underscores the importance of
Medicaid as America’s health care safety net. Specifically, the Baucus amendment
expresses the Sense of the Senate that administrative regulations should not undermine
the guarantee of health insurance coverage Medicaid provides or shift Medicaid cost
burdens to state or local governments.

Upon acceptance of his amendment, Baucus issued the following statement:

“Cuts and cost-shifting would deal a devastating blow to the Medicaid program,
which provides coverage for our nation’s most vulnerable citizens – pregnant
women, children, our seniors, and people with disabilities – and supports the
doctors, hospitals, and nursing homes that comprise our health care safety-net.

“I applaud my colleagues for their unanimous support of this amendment to
underscore Medicaid's importance to members of the Senate. I am heartened by its
bipartisan acceptance. It is clear that the Senate Democrats and Republicans alike
recognize the detrimental effect the administration’s regulations would have on
states and their Medicaid programs.

“This vote gives me hope that we can work to keep Medicaid robust. Together, we
will do everything possible to preserve and strengthen this vital program.”

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