September 24,2002

Baucus Announces Markup to consider H.R. 4069, the ''Social Security Benefit Enhancements for Women Act of 2002''

Baucus Announces Mark up to consider the following legislation:

Markup: of H.R. 4069, the "Social Security Benefit Enhancements for Women Act of 2002"; S. 848, the "Social Security Misuse Prevention Act of 2002"; and, the miscellaneous and technical corrections amendments to the trade laws.

Date/Time: Thursday, September 26, 2002

Location: 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building


Chairman Baucus announced that the Finance Committee will meet in Open Executive Session on Thursday, September 26, 2002, at 9:30 am to consider: a substitute for H.R. 4069, the "Social Security Benefit Enhancements for Women Act of 2002"; a substitute for S. 848, the "Social Security Misuse Prevention Act of 2002"; and, an original bill to make miscellaneous and technical corrections amendments to the trade laws.

In addition, the Chairman may ask the Committee to complete the mark up of an original bill entitled, "Small Business and Farm Economic Recovery Act of 2002", previously scheduled on September 19, 2002. If so, the agenda for the September 26th session will be modified by a further notice.