April 03,2002

Baucus Announces Hearing on Schemes, Scams and Cons, Part II: The IRS Strikes Back

Hearing: Schemes, Scams and Cons, Part II: The IRS Strikes Back

Date/Time: April 11, 2002, at 10 a.m.

Location: 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Description: Schemes, Scams and Cons, Part II: The IRS Strikes Back is the follow up to the hearing held last April 5, 2001. The hearing will focus on various improper and illegal tax avoidance schemes, including the use of credit/debit cards to access offshore bank accounts established to conceal taxable income. Witnesses invited to testify involve a panel of scam participants, victims, prosecutors and fraud experts. Another panel of officials from the IRS,TIGTA and GAO will provide a progress report on the government’s effort to detect and prosecute noncompliance.

Witness List

A Panel Consisting of:

The Honorable Charles O. Rossotti, Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service, Washington D.C.Mr. Michael Brostek, Director of Tax Issues, GAO, Washington D.C.

The Honorable David Williams, Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, Washington D.C. Additional witness information will be available at a later date.