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Baucus Announces Bruce Hirsh as Chief International Trade Counsel
International Trade Counsel Bruce Hirsh Becomes Chairman Baucus’ Top Trade Advisor
Washington, DC – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) today named Bruce Hirsh his new Chief International Trade Counsel. Hirsh, an experienced member of Baucus’ Finance Committee staff, is now the Senator’s top advisor on international trade and economic matters. Hirsh replaces Amber Cottle, who was recently promoted to Finance Committee Staff Director.
“Bruce is a key member of my team and provides a wealth of experience and understanding on international trade issues. His extensive knowledge of all aspects of the trade negotiation process will help me tackle several upcoming trade initiatives, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a possible U.S.-EU FTA and trade promotion authority to boost our exports and create jobs in Montana and across America,” Senator Baucus said. “I am grateful for Bruce’s dedication to the committee and pleased to reward him for his efforts.”
Hirsh’s experience in trade spans more than two decades. Prior to this promotion, he served as an International Trade Counsel advising Senator Baucus. He was deeply involved in the successful legislative effort to establish permanent normal trade relations with Russia and advised Chairman Baucus on trade issues with Asia, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations. Before coming to the Senate, Hirsh served as Deputy Assistant United States Trade Representative (USTR) for World Trade Organization (WTO) and Multilateral Affairs. Previously, he served as Deputy Assistant USTR for Monitoring and Enforcement and Chief Counsel for Dispute Settlement.
Hirsh was also a Legal Advisor to the United States Mission to the World Trade Organization and Associate General Counsel at USTR. He has private-sector experience in international trade law, including litigating antidumping, countervailing duty and customs matters.
A native of Pittsburgh, Hirsh is a graduate of Brown University and Stanford Law School.
“I am excited about this new opportunity to assist Senator Baucus with his trade agenda, which will create jobs in America by opening up new markets for U.S exports,“ Hirsh said.
As chairman of the Finance Committee, Senator Baucus has jurisdiction over international trade policy. He has long pushed for expanded export opportunities for U.S. businesses and agricultural producers.
Senator Baucus recently discussed issues involved in a potential U.S.- EU trade and investment agreement with economic leaders in Europe. In August, he met with leaders in New Zealand and Japan to push for increased market access for U.S. products, including as part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Senator Baucus led the Finance Committee to pass legislation granting permanent normal trade relations with Russia, which will boost beef exports, and he led the passage and enactment of the Free Trade Agreements with Panama, Colombia and South Korea, lifting tariffs and restrictions on U.S. agriculture exports like beef. He also secured an extension of the job-training Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program, renewing critical assistance for U.S. workers and keeping the U.S. workforce competitive and ready to seize new export opportunities across the world.
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