September 19,2002

Baucus Annouces Hearing on ''Innovative Financing: Beyond the Highway Trust Fund''

Hearing: "Innovative Financing: Beyond the Highway Trust Fund,"

Date/Time: Wednesday September 25, 2002, at 9:30 a.m.

Location: 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Witness List

The Honorable Bradley Mallory, Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation,Harrisburg, PA;
Phyllis Scheinberg, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC;
The Honorable Janice Hahn, Councilwoman, City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA;
JayEtta Hecker, Director of Physical Infrastructure Issues, General Accounting Office, Washington, DC;
Jeff Carey, from Merrill Lynch, New York, NY;
The Honorable Peter Rahn, Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation, Sante Fe, NM;
David Seltzer, from Mercator Advisors, Philadelphia, PA.


Written Statements: Any individuals or organizations wanting to present their views on these hearings to the Committee are urged to submit a typewritten, single-spaced, single-sided statement, not exceeding 10 pages in length, for inclusion in the hearing record. The date and subject of the hearing must appear on the first page of the statement. Three copies of the statement should be mailed to the Editorial Section, United States Senate, Committee on Finance, Washington, D.C. 20510. Two copies should be mailed to Kolan Davis, Minority Staff Director, United States Senate, Committee on Finance, 219 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510. Statements must be received no later than noon on Wednesday, October 9, 2002. Written statements must also be submitted on diskette in a format that can be read by personal computers (Word perfect text is preferred; other formats will be accepted -- please identify format).