May 31,2016

Press Contact:

Aaron Fobes, Julia Lawless (202)224-4515

Back to Work, Finance Committee Continues Success in 2016

Building off of last year’s historic successes, the Finance Committee of the 114th Congress continues to accomplish more for the American people by enhancing the committee process and restoring regular order.
Under a pro-growth agenda, the number of Finance reported bills has grown to 39 this Congress, and two more trade bills have been signed into law this year.
The enactment of bipartisan Customs legislation and the American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act added to the Committee’s historic work on important, long overdue, trade legislation. Together, these two bills strengthen trade enforcement at our borders and make U.S. companies more competitive on the international stage – a win for American workers and for our borders.
The Committee has continued its rigorous schedule, advancing  proposals to protect taxpayers from fraud and identity theft and holding hearings focused on different aspects of tax reform to help lay the groundwork for a comprehensive overhaul of the tax code.
Republicans on the Committee have stood up for seniors and called for the halt of a proposed rule that is harmful to both patients and providers while also concluding an investigation into the behavior of physicians recommending invasive surgeries for their patients - highlighting the need for more transparency and better protection for patients.
Just like the Senate as a whole, the Finance Committee is back to work and producing significant policy achievements for the American people.
