February 09,2016

Press Contact:

Aaron Fobes, Julia Lawless (202)224-4515

House and Senate Leaders Continue Effort to Protect Medicaid from Fraud and Abuse

Hatch, Upton & Pitts Request Explanation for CMS’ Medicaid Coverage of Housing-Related Services - Given Current Challenges with Medicaid Program, Services Could be Especially Vulnerable to Abuse
WASHINGTON, DC – House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI), Health Subcommittee Chairman Joseph Pitts (R-PA), and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) today sent a letter to Andy Slavitt, Acting Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requesting more information about CMS’ recent focus on Medicaid coverage of housing-related services.

“Medicaid coverage of housing-related services may be cost-effective if it avoids or reduces the need for costly institutional care, such as nursing home care by allowing an individual to remain in, or return to, the community,” write Upton, Pitts, and Hatch. “At the same time, coverage of housing-related services could be especially vulnerable to fraud, waste, and abuse and could result in duplication with other federal programs that provide housing assistance.”

The leaders ask that given these risks, CMS provide answers to seven questions about Medicaid’s coverage of the services within 45 days.

Click here to read the full letter.
