
23 results found for abramoff.

  1. May 21 2013 Press Contact Sean Neary Meaghan Smith 202 224 4515 Baucus Statement on the IRS Scrutinizing Tax Exemption Applications As prepared for delivery The statesman Adlai Stevenson said G...

  2. September 24 2009 Finance Committee Tax Staff Review of ACORN Tax exempt Status TO Senator GrassleyFROM Tax StaffRE Review of ACORN Tax exempt StatusDATE September 22 2009 ACORN and IRS Responses ACORN through its atto...

  3. December 06 2007 Grassley on Responses from Six Ministries So Far Regarding Tax exempt Practices On Nov 5 Sen Chuck Grassley ranking member of the Committee on Finance wrote to six media based ministries for information regarding expen...

  4. February 23 2007 Grassley Review of Non profits Political Activity Continues Despite Fannie Mae Foundation Move M E M O R A N D U M To Reporters and Editors Re Fannie Mae s charitable foundation Da Fr...

  5. November 08 2006 Grassley Seeks IRS Counsel on Tax exempt Group Facing Allegations of Vote Fraud WASHINGTON Sen Chuck Grassley chairman of the Committee on Finance today asked the Internal Revenue Service to describe any enforcement ac...

  6. October 25 2006 Chairman Grassley Continues Checks on Abuse of Tax Exempt Status Asks ACORN About Voter Fraud WASHINGTON Sen Chuck Grassley Chairman of the Committee on Finance is asking for information to help determine whether the a...

  7. Report Investigation of Jack Abramoff s Use of Tax Exempt Organizations Please see printer friendly version of Minority Staff Report Investigation of Jack Abramoff s Use of Tax Exempt Organizations...

  8. June 28 2006 Grassley Wins Committee Approval of Non Profit Improvements Including Double Fines Penalties for Non profit Groups Engaged in Inappropriate Political Activity WASHINGTON Sen Chuck Grassley chairman of the Committee on Fin...

  9. June 22 2006 Baucus Comments on Indian Affairs Committee Report Washington DC U S Senator Max Baucus D Mont Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee issued a brief statement today following publication of a Senate Committee on ...

  10. June 01 2006 Grassley Solicits IRS Comment Urges Enforcement on Series of Problems in the Tax exempt Arena WASHINGTON Sen Chuck Grassley chairman of the Committee on Finance is seekingInternal Revenue Service IRS comment and in some...