June 03,2024

Wyden Statement on Resignation of Social Security Inspector General

Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued a statement after Social Security Administration Inspector General Gail Ennis announced her resignation:

“Inspector General Ennis’ decision to resign is the correct one,” Wyden said. “Under her leadership, the Inspector General’s office at Social Security has fallen into disarray, plagued by complaints of a hostile work environment, retaliation against whistleblowers, abysmal staff morale ratings, and falling productivity. I look forward to working with the Biden administration to restore the Social Security Inspector General’s office to the position of strength it once held so it can be a watchdog on behalf of all Americans who count on their earned benefits being delivered on time and with accuracy."

In February, Wyden called for Inspector General Ennis to be removed from her position in letter to President Biden.
